

Growth hormone, corticosteroids and thyroxine modify insulin release in response to glucoseo PGE inhibit insulin release.Somatostatin evokes release of both insulin and glucagono.Glucagon evokes release of insulin as well as somatostatino Insulin inhibit glucagon secretion. Amylin released with insulin, inhibit glucagon secretion through a central site if action in the brain


• Hormonalo Growth hormone, corticosteroids and thyroxine modify insulin release in response to glucoseo PGE inhibit insulin releaseo Somatostatin evokes release of both insulin and glucagono Glucagon evokes release of insulin as well as somatostatino Insulin inhibit glucagon secretion. Amylin released with insulin, inhibit glucagon secretion through a central site if action in the brain 

• Neuralo Adrenergic α2 receptor activation decreases insulin release by inhibiting β cell adenylyl cyclaseo Cholinergic- muscarinic activation by Ach or vagal stimulation causes insulin secretion through IP3/DAG increased intracellular Ca2+ in the β cells. Action of insulin

1. Insulin facilitates glucose transport across cell membrane; skeletal muscle and fat are highly sensitive

2. Phosphorylation of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate is enhanced by insulin through increased production of glucokinase. Insulin facilitates glycogen synthesis from glucose in liver, fat and muscle by stimulating glycogen synthase. It inhibits glycogenolysis in liver.

3. Insulin inhibits gluconeogenesis in liver by gene mediated decreased synthesis of phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase

4. Insulin inhibits lipolysis in adipose tissue and favors triglyceride synthesis.

5. Insulin enhances transcription of vascular endothelial lipoprotein lipase and thus increases clearance of VLDL and chylomicrons6. Insulin facilitates AA entry and their synthesis into proteins, as well as inhibits protein breakdown in muscle and most other cells